Word Count Mini

How to Count Words in Word Files (doc/docx/dot)?
  • Register: To register the "Word Count Mini" click on the "Enter Activation Key" Button and fill the Registration Detail with the Activation Code.
  • Buy: You have to Buy "Word Count Mini" to get Activation Code. You Can Buy it by Clicking on "Buy Activation Key" button.
  • Try It: You can use demo version of "Word Count Mini" by clicking on "Continue in Demo Version" Button.
registration registration
Word Count Mini is an easy to use word count tool, you can go through this help manual and learn how you can use Word Count Mini. Word Count Mini Add Files -Click on "Add Files" button to open file dialog box select files you want to add, you can select multiple files of different formats supported by WCM. Add Folder -Click on "Add Folders" button to open folder dialog box select folders you want to add and press ok after that a "Search & Load Files" Screen appears see fig 1.1. Word Count Mini

Fig 1.1

Click on "Change Folder" button if you want to select different folder. If you want to search and load all supported files select "All Supported Files" or if you want to search and load only Word Files or Excel Files turn both option on after that checked "Only Native Directory" if you wish to load files from only the top directory not from its sub directories and their sub directories, finally press Load to load files in All Files List.
Delete Selected : You can remove the selected files from the file list, to select multiple files in file list use Ctrl or Shift key. You can also remove files by pressing CTRL+DEL key from Keyboard. Empty List : You can remove all files from the file list, it will alert you before removing all files. Word Count Mini
Setting : Press Setting button to Open "Report Option". See Fig. 1.3 Word Count Mini

Fig 1.3

  • Report Setting : In this div you have two divs in 1st div you have to mention your price, currency and Unit on which cost will be the calculated for Report. You can also define the same after completion of counting process and press "Refresh Amount" button. In 2nd second you have to define Custom Line and Custom Page and the Unit on which these fields will be calculated in Report.
  • Report : You can select here which columns of the List you want to send while generating Final Report, you can also mention the Tax and Discount in Percentage before generating Report.
  • Start Counting : Press it to Start the Counting process for All Files. See Fig 1.4
Word Count Mini Fig. 1.4
  • Report Setting :In this div you have two divs in 1st div you have to mention your price, currency and Unit on which cost will be the calculated for Report. You can also define the same after completion of counting process and press "Refresh Amount" button. In 2nd second you have to define Custom Line and Custom Page and the Unit on which these fields will be calculated in Report.
  • Report :You can select here which columns of the List you want to send while generating Final Report, you can also mention the Tax and Discount in Percentage before generating Report.
  • Start Counting :Press it to Start the Counting process for All Files. See Fig 1.4
Advance line count Fig. 1.4
Final Statistics: You can see Final Statistics below. It has 3 divs, See Fig. 1.5 Word Count Mini

Fig. 1.5

Final Statistics For All Files: You can see Final Statistics for All Files in 1st div If You press "Word Files" above in the file list you will see the Final Statistics for Word Files Only. You can Export these Statistics as TXT/DOC/HTM Files by clicking on Export Statistics button. Text Analyzed is the 2nd div in which you can define which div of a Word files you can count e.g. if you want to include Comments and Header/Footer in counting just checked on the Header, Footer and Comments checkboxes.

General Setting: It is the 3rd div of the Final Statistics you can off the Auto Count Command by unchecked the same and similarly the other options.

Export Statistics: You can export the Final Statiscs of All Files/Word Files/Excel Files etc.. to a Text, Word or Html Files by clicking on "Export Statistics" button. See Fig. 1.6 & 1.7

Word Count Mini

Fig. 1.6

Word Count Mini Fig. 1.7
Export Report: You can Generate and Export the Final Processed Files to Excel and Word. See Fig. 1.8 & 1.9 Word Count Mini

Fig. 1.8

Word Count Mini Fig. 1.9
Go to Help Menu. Now click on Deactivate option.
Step 1
: Deactivate from current PC.
Step 2
: Install the software on new PC and Register it with same Activation Key. Word Count Mini Word Count Mini Word Count Mini