You can create personalized unique SMS for Every Number imported from Excel file. Click on
Personalized SMS to every Number using Excel File" button, It will Open a custom message wizard
as shown below, now wizard guide you through creating custom messages for every imported numbers.
Custom Message Wizard has three steps to follow
STEP 1: Open Excel File: Click on Brows button to open Excel File.
Select Sheet and Numbers of Data: You can see the Available Sheets in
selected Excel file with Column and Data detail, Now select the Sheet from which you want to import
numbers and select the the range of data you want to extract from that sheets and click on Next. You
can also select how many numbers you want to import by filling up "From" and
text box.
CREATE UNIQUE SMS: You can create your own custom message as shown in image below.
You can see an example by clicking on Show Example button.

After creating the SMS you can preview the SMS by clicking on "
button now click on finish button and select the Column which contain the mobile number and click on
Note : Click on "Show Example" button to see an example how to compose unique sms
with excel data. (See Figure below)